Monday, September 28, 2009

Melodies and Desires

For the past week, I've been insanely sick. They said I didn't have Swine Flu, but all my symptoms pointed towards it, so I probably did in the end. My sickness is basically over now, but I missed an entire week of school, which is probably the most I've ever missed consecutively. We all know what this means now... insane amounts of make-up work. BAH. I hate it.. I think it's the most illogical form of punishment for intense illness.

Anyways, my right shoulder, arm, and hand have all been cramping horribly today. I took some extra-strength tylenol, and it went away for a while, but I feel it coming back now. :( I hope this stops soon.

In other news, I need money for CDs and things, badly. I love that song up there, and I wanted to buy the CD, but I didn't have enough money when I saw it at Barnes and Noble this weekend. Dangit.

However... I got a haircut! Yep.. I got short bangs. First time I've had bangs since probably 6th or 8th grade, can't remember which. And even then, my bangs were a lot longer, and didn't look as good as these do. I'm really happy with how it all turned out, although I somewhat miss the length of my old hair sometimes. Ah well. :)

Well, I guess I should go finish up retarded English homework... I wouldn't mind doing it if there weren't like, 3-4 parts for EVERY question... kind of ridiculous. Anyways.. I'm off.

Peace. :)

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