Thursday, August 6, 2009

"The Life of a Closed-Minded, Utterly Repressed, Unfulfilled, and Depressed Individual": A Novel by Erin T.

Ok, sorry, but, frankly... I've seriously had it with this tag along.

I would like to know what makes me close-minded. I've looked up a few definitions.. still pondering how they correlate to me, however:

close-minded: not ready to receive to new ideas
close-minded or closed-minded adj. --Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas and information.

Ok, looking at these here...hmm, nope.. not intolerant of others ideas... not intolerant of their beliefs or opinions.. somewhat stubborn, but who isn't when they have an opinion about JACK SQUAT? And going on, yes, I have a brain, and am mentally/emotionally ready to receive, and can retain, new information and ideas.

So, I think that about covers it.

Not to offend anyone, but I do genuinely know a few people that are fairly religious or "spiritual" as you will call it, since these days, people don't seem to like the whole "religious" connotation, which makes others think of a scary Bible-thumper (served perhaps Sarah Palin style, with a side of hypocrite), and thus believe they are more spiritual than religious. Which is absolutely fine if you actually ARE more spiritual than religious. But if you attend church weekly, or mainly/heavily practice a specific religion, I'd probably call myself religious. Just sayin'. If you think calling yourself "spiritual" will make you look like a cool, hippie-chic, 'bohemian' person, when you actually are a very devout Catholic, I might beg to differ. But to each their own.

Last time I checked, I had a right to be happy with where I was spiritually and emotionally. Just because I didn't want to go ring my head over some bong with a guy I didn't know very well ('til last Saturday, or something like that, which is of course MUCH better), doesn't mean I'm closed-minded. Heck, if I wasn't a Christian (which somehow factors into all this funky psychadelic shiz), I would honestly feel the exact same way. That actually has nothing to do with religion-- just stupidity.

Also-- I did not actually believe wanting to befriend people of your own specific religion to relate to (in some form of the word), or just chat-up with, was equal to voluntary manslaughter, or closing my mind anymore (than it already is of course-- dude, that thing is whack dood, hella narrow man). Someone tell me how this is different to wanting to find people who like your favorite genre of music, books, or otherwise?

What I'm getting at here is, it seems like I cannot, for the life of me, even try to crack open any religious, or what may be called spiritual, talk to any of my closest friends. And here I am, thinking they might actually understand SOMETHING of what I mean. Here again-- let's bring back the definitions of close-minded, shall we?

close-minded or closed-minded adj. Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas and information.

Not once did I say I hated the way they lived their life. Not once did I say, go be a Christian. Not once did I say, you're a bad person. I DID however say, I would enjoy getting some new Christian friends. And instead of, hey, that sounds neat, or hey, cool--here's what I get back: "So what you're saying is, you want some more closed-minded friends like yourself?"

Throw me a frikkin' bone.

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