Sunday, August 30, 2009


Is a very good band.

School is ghey. The end.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Stars and Shadows

My single companions,
Sing as floating shivers that roll down my spine.
Reminding me of some Dead Sea Scrolls on brine,
who sent some hope you'll luminate lost mind,
They give your sweetness a certain wine.
A toothy smile, the sealing to this fate,
To lick away melted taste, in this I drift away
with the Curly-cued swirls around your words
that form a legion of dancing swords,
As they roll, like those shivers
Over the hills
Dozens of flowers, with eyes to kill.

Happy Birthday, Layne. <3

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I still hate boys.

Yep. :P

Speaking of which, I am totally not looking forward to Thursday-- as we here call it, "The Day of Death", or D-Day.

Yeah, which is actually school... un-freakin-cool.

More, LOADS more, of summer reading to do and type up, AND a lesson tomorrow.

That, of course, I have not practiced for at all. Woopee. :P

And then I'm gonna end up being a total girl and taking forever picking out what I will wear the first day, and it won't even matter. Ugh.. why, WHY?!

Anyways.. I like this song. And alot of their songs lately. :)


Friday, August 14, 2009



This will be my wedding dress. I promise you that. :P And if it's not this.. it will be something like it. <3

I love this song, and I love you, Cat. Even if your name is now Yusuf.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Erin wants a few things right now.

-Overall Fatness
-Unfrizzed-out hair 24/7

And then my year might not suck as bad.

And, um, recently discovered Megan Fox's waist is about 3 inches smaller than mine... and I am the skinniest person I know (not a good thing). Unhealthy much, or is this just me?

Megan Fox was born Mitchell Reed Fox in Rockwood, Tennessee. From an early age, Mitchell showed an interest in both performing and women’s clothing. When having a preacher lay hands on him did not ‘cure’ him of these interests, his parents simply put him on the pageant circuit.
By the age of 13, Mitchell had already started a career as a female child performer called ‘Megan Fox’. Making her debut on an Olsen Twins straight-to-video release, the twins have kept his secret all this time.
As a sweet 16 present, Fox’s parents offered him sexual reassignment surgery, which, given their child’s career, they’d hoped to write off as a business expense. Unfortunately laws prohibit such surgery to be done to minors.
Since then Megan has been working non-stop, and been included on many Hottest Women lists in publications around the world.
Megan, as she goes by now exclusively, also noted this Sunday how much she wants Salma Hayek’s figure. She has even scheduled surgery later this month to get it. After the two met in New York this week, Hayek offered to have a cast made of her bust so doctors can match them exactly on Megan Fox’s chest.

Speaking of her social life or sexuality in specific, Megan admitted of being bisexual. However, when it comes to women she stated that her interests are strictly towards Lesbians only for some reasons. I read it once but I can't seem to remember what she exactly said. Not only that, she also admitted of being in a frosty relationship with Lindsay Lohan when they were filming "Confession Of A Teenage Drama Queen". My I don't even remember her appearing in that movie. Cleary, Megan has set the world's eyes on her after the Transformers sequel. This foxy star is way too hot for a transvestite but unfortunately she is!

Apart form that, Megan had a plastic surgery in the year of 2004 that made her look so amazingly hot. Yes, believe it or not she used to be unattractive back then. No wonder Lindsay looked even more appealing than Ms.Fox in "Confessions Of a Teenage Drama Queen"! Plastic surgeons said that she had two nose jobs, her lips altered, botox on her forehead and around her mouth, and a breast implant from an 'A' size to a 'B' size! In addition to that, Megan got a tan and let her eyebrow grow in and also eliminated her freckles through the magic of make-ups! She used to look somewhat like Katty Perry. But I guess a little nip and tuck earned her hell of a fame!

LOL at the man statement!

Look and divulge in the wonders of plastic surgery and what our world considers attractive these days. Betcha feel stupid now, eh? Yeah. You should.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Skin of the Sun

Shatter these foreign, frozen sands
That have solidified deserts over my eyes
That curdle in my soul in times of night
And seem to destroy lush meadows of light

Go disappear under this weak, black veil
That is your everyday
What are you afraid of?
Unless you want it to
it will never go away

You can't steer as a free man
with a fire under your hands
The more you try to own these things
The more they own your understanding

Don't leave me with what's left of you
Which is the skin of the sun, faded into dew
Won't you come out onto the street, with all your favorite cars?
We can see the sun rise,
As the moon dies
Underneath the stars.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thoughts of the Day

[Just some random, pointless thoughts. This may happen more than once. Note: It will.]

[Picture credit to SallyJaneVintage]

Only the "pretty/beautiful" people can afford to be stylish. Even those who are stylish, who may not be written under that category, do not get proper acknowledgement for their style or quirky fashion. I've seen the "awkward/pretty but not popular, or pretty in the conventional way" person wear a very fashionable and cool outfit one day, or every day, and never get complimented. However, the conventional, actually ugly and average looking individuals have a far less interesting outfit, and they get all the compliments. Guess the world's just not fair. I just feel bad for all the really pretty people who don't get recognized for how pretty they are, just because they are unconventially attractive, in a way that might be "intimidating" (wtf?).

I heard this story about this really, really pretty woman, in her late 40's, who worked out at the gym and stuff, and was really in-shape, healthy, and looked about 30 years old because of how fit she was. She had really long black hair, blue eyes, etc etc. Some guy who worked at the gym said that when she was in her 20's, guys didn't talk to her because she was "intimidating". And to think, she must have been really beautiful then. What a bunch of loser dudes.

Nevertheless, I continue to hate all males. 99% at least. Muahaha.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Quotes of the Day

"I think dragons are real. I also think unicorns are real."

"Where was Kenny G from, anyway?"
"...the Bronx..?"

"Kenny was born from the sweet womb of a saxophone.."
-Sister and I

"It's the Turnerrrr house-holldd.. ERIN gets the LAUGHS! *ha-ha-ha*, Natalie gets the *(angry)hey!*"
-Family Jingle since 4th grade, wewt!

Ah, family moments.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

"The Life of a Closed-Minded, Utterly Repressed, Unfulfilled, and Depressed Individual": A Novel by Erin T.

Ok, sorry, but, frankly... I've seriously had it with this tag along.

I would like to know what makes me close-minded. I've looked up a few definitions.. still pondering how they correlate to me, however:

close-minded: not ready to receive to new ideas
close-minded or closed-minded adj. --Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas and information.

Ok, looking at these here...hmm, nope.. not intolerant of others ideas... not intolerant of their beliefs or opinions.. somewhat stubborn, but who isn't when they have an opinion about JACK SQUAT? And going on, yes, I have a brain, and am mentally/emotionally ready to receive, and can retain, new information and ideas.

So, I think that about covers it.

Not to offend anyone, but I do genuinely know a few people that are fairly religious or "spiritual" as you will call it, since these days, people don't seem to like the whole "religious" connotation, which makes others think of a scary Bible-thumper (served perhaps Sarah Palin style, with a side of hypocrite), and thus believe they are more spiritual than religious. Which is absolutely fine if you actually ARE more spiritual than religious. But if you attend church weekly, or mainly/heavily practice a specific religion, I'd probably call myself religious. Just sayin'. If you think calling yourself "spiritual" will make you look like a cool, hippie-chic, 'bohemian' person, when you actually are a very devout Catholic, I might beg to differ. But to each their own.

Last time I checked, I had a right to be happy with where I was spiritually and emotionally. Just because I didn't want to go ring my head over some bong with a guy I didn't know very well ('til last Saturday, or something like that, which is of course MUCH better), doesn't mean I'm closed-minded. Heck, if I wasn't a Christian (which somehow factors into all this funky psychadelic shiz), I would honestly feel the exact same way. That actually has nothing to do with religion-- just stupidity.

Also-- I did not actually believe wanting to befriend people of your own specific religion to relate to (in some form of the word), or just chat-up with, was equal to voluntary manslaughter, or closing my mind anymore (than it already is of course-- dude, that thing is whack dood, hella narrow man). Someone tell me how this is different to wanting to find people who like your favorite genre of music, books, or otherwise?

What I'm getting at here is, it seems like I cannot, for the life of me, even try to crack open any religious, or what may be called spiritual, talk to any of my closest friends. And here I am, thinking they might actually understand SOMETHING of what I mean. Here again-- let's bring back the definitions of close-minded, shall we?

close-minded or closed-minded adj. Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas and information.

Not once did I say I hated the way they lived their life. Not once did I say, go be a Christian. Not once did I say, you're a bad person. I DID however say, I would enjoy getting some new Christian friends. And instead of, hey, that sounds neat, or hey, cool--here's what I get back: "So what you're saying is, you want some more closed-minded friends like yourself?"

Throw me a frikkin' bone.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Pizza Story

I know, lame name for a story, but that's pretty much what it is. lol. XD

So today, me and my family, being my older sister, mom, dad, and my sister's boyfriend, went to this pizza place called Umberto's. It has really delicious pizza, by the way. But that's a little beside the point. lol.

So when we went in, my sister and her boyfriend weren't there yet. They were still back at the house-- they were going to meet us there. So as we're thinking of what to order-- we being my mom and I, as my dad is already ordering-- another man was waiting on his order, since everything is made fresh. My mom said to him, something like, "Hey, if you want to go ahead and order before us, you can, since we don't know what we want yet," and he said, "Oh no, I already ordered, I'm just waiting."

This guy looked pretty cool, a nice guy, very level-headed, and just kind of like the average businessman. Nothing crazy or anything. He had short blonde hair, glasses, and was wearing just a nice casual dress shirt and khakis or something like that. So as we finally decide what to order, he gets up to get his order. Then he comes over to us, and he takes off his glasses, and starts to say something, like, "This may sound really strange or crazy, but.." -- and at this point, me and my mom were kinda thinking, does he recognize us or something? But then he goes on, and says, "..why do I see angels surrounding your family?" And at this point, I'm kinda like, ok man, this is weird. And kind of creepy. And my mom was sort of smiling and saying something back, like, "Well, we're a believing family... and we have been going through alot lately.." -- which we have, because my grandparents are very ill and just crazy things surrounding that-- and he replies, "Yes, I am too," or something like that, plus or minus a few words. And then he just left.

So anyways, that was really interesting, albeit freakish. I mean, he didn't seem the sort that he just said that to everyone, or even that he was crazy or anything. It just was very strange, but cool.

So I don't know.
But I guess that made my day. :)
PS- I love this song.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


The water bled green, and her shoes shed red
onto the sidewalk.
Something in her aubergine dress soothed passersby
A textile with fibers of fire sewn in
Exalted by eyes that scanned each rim
And she walked.
Some cold draft came over,
a kind that waved and rustled the shades at night
Was it God? Was it the man who walked past sight?
She felt their eyes on her
Movements that tingled her bones, like vibes from a guitar
And she walked.
The yellow of the sun plundered down, into the gold mine of society
And then and there awoke each thing
Each fragment of our world.
Their hearts squeezed like putty, as they ran across the grass
Barefoot, leaving crinkled bits of green footprints
Lacing each particle with their happiness.
She watched them, and watched, and felt what they did
Knowing the times they flew their kites,
there was some other perlaceous hand, holding on.
And she walked.
The sun gleams as a pinwheel over ice
Melting all the hardened, stone beings beneath.
It's spinning, spiraling rays of warmth,
Untouched by the things it effects
and boldly robbing the things of cold.
And yet,
People walk over her, day by day
Soles smashing her glass tune to another dream
Distanced from the thing that heals
spinning wheels