Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blue Roses

Yesterday we read The Glass Menagerie in class. As we were reading the character descriptions, I was really struck by Laura Wingfield--the daughter, and one of the main characters. We were so similar, in fact, that I felt entitled to play her. I raised my hand hesitantly, but another girl who's in drama class took the part at the same moment. Most of the drama kids get picked automatically, because they usually make whatever they're reading very good. Although the other girl did a good job, I felt I could've done better. I left class a little down-hearted. But today she wasn't there. The teacher assigned me the part. It felt a lot more right to me. One of my friends, who played the mother character, said I was perfect for the role, and another of my friends said I did really well with the part.

But now, I just have to wonder if that's a good or bad thing.

I've forgotten to say that really, a good amount of things has happened in these past few weeks! I went to a concert--and not just ANY concert--a (Brandon Heath and) JARS OF CLAY CONCERT. Yeah, SO PRETTY MUCH AMAZING. I seriously am in love with Stephen Mason. He's hysterical. Dan Haseltine is an amazing guy. And really, so is Charlie Lowell, and Matt Odmark, and that entire band. Everytime I listen to them, I think of so many wonderful and sad and graceful times in my life. I think I was one of the only younger kids there who had heard all of there stuff way back from 1995--that's right kids, I've listened to them since I was 2. And they really made my childhood happy. Them, and DC Talk, and all those guys. Needless to say, they started with "Liquid", I freaked out, I screamed all the lyrics to all their old (and newer) stuff.. it was amazing. I came to the concert hoping truly, madly, deeply that they'd play things from their first album (because it's probably my favorite of theirs)--and just my luck--they DID, because that day (Nov. 6th) was the anniversary of their first album. And they sold a frigging collector's vinyl of it, and I HAVE IT RIGHT HERE. AND OMGOSH. Sorry, still a little excited just thinking about it. Anywho, they played "Love Song for a Savior", "Worlds Apart", "Faith Like A Child".. basically, amazing stuff. I couldn't have been happier with the performance, really. And the little chit chat between songs as Stephen and Dan cracked jokes about their bad 90's haircuts, and how only hipsters would have the right equipment to listen to their old material because it was a vinyl. And how no one knew about their first record (EXCEPTMEAHSFSH). And how, if you're a hipster, you need a moustache. And "all you people sitting in your seats are dead". Because IT'STRUE. (this person, right here, stood up proudly 97% of the time, WOOT!)

Anyways, you get the gist. It was amazing. I got a t-shirt too, and it doesn't really fit, but it doesn't matter, because it commemorates the day that my mom and I went to see one of my favorite bands in the whole world. And they're just as perfect and on key and crazy live. I love them. Seriously.

All in all though, today was pretty good. A lot of homework, little sleep, and senior pictures that just didn't turn out the way I wanted at all, got me really depressed, and I have to admit, I cried a bit. But when I checked my ACT scores, hoping to God that if it was anything, it couldn't be worse--I got a 29!!! I'm incredibly happy. That means money, which means a future, basically. I doubt I could've done much better, if better at all! I raised my score 3 points in total--my math score to a 26, my reading to a 33, and my science (somehow) to a 24. My English had always been in the mid-30's, so I was grateful that it was a 34, but honestly wasn't surprised (not to sound braggy, lol). All in all, I have many things to thank God for. I forget that he probably misses me, too, sometimes.

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