Monday, July 13, 2009

Notes From Underground

"A lot has been on my mind lately."

That must be the greatest opening statement to a blog post ever, right? Lol.

Well, it's true. A lot is on my mind usually, but I guess I've just been thinking on overdrive ever since yesterday.

We went to go see my brother and sister-in-laws new place, and helped them sew up the drapes and put them back up again, which took about an hour or THREE. I now have a new found dislike for drapes. I think when I get my own place, I'll just tape a blanket up on the wall, seriously.

Anyways, it was really fun to go see them, see the new place, and then go to Applebee's (first time in like, 5 years probably, and even funnier because I kept making fun of Applebee's on the way to Stillwater. LOL. It was great nonetheless). My grandma came to help us sew, and yeah, she's like, a master at that, so thank GOD that she came, or those drapes would've looked LAME! XD

And since it's a 2 hour or so drive there, my dad went with my grandma, and me with my mom.

We played Jars of Clay all the way home, and it was really good roadtrip-type music, actually. :D

And here's where my crazy thinking comes in. *uh-oh.*

I don't want to alienate anyone by saying this, because I love all my friends, and acquaintances. And I'm not talking about anyone specifically here (those who read this, if anyone does, LOL).
I truly and honestly don't think anyone doesn't believe in anything. I'm not strictly talking a high-power type thing, but those who say they don't believe in one, a God, can't really say they don't have their own God-type figure that governs their conscience on what they may say or do. And this isn't being said to dictate anyone who believes this, I'm just ruminating here. Some whom I've encountered that deny or recant a certain "organized" religion, or say they don't believe there's a God, or constantly throw things at you for believing so, tend to worship their own Gods of "logic", supposed knowledge, themselves... that last bit sounds somewhat odd, lol, but I'm just trying to write things to help myself put things in perspective.

And since I'm an absolute baffoon when it comes to forming thoughts, all that might sound really silly or stupid from an outside point of view. You can take whatever I say with a grain of salt, and that's fine by me. :)

I just can't help but say, or try to say, something about it.

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